Course Introduction


In our first course session, we’ll discuss the overall layout and structure of our course. We’ll spend time talking about the conceptual and practical reasons for examining housing and housing policies in the United States, and will explore the ways that housing has helped to shape our own life experiences. We’ll also explore your existing perceptions and frameworks for thinking about the role of housing and housing policy in shaping the qualities and experience of place.

Learning Goals

  • Introduce our course strucrure and broader goals.
  • Introduce our learning community.
  • Begin to question how housing structures elements of our lives.


In Class

In class, we will spend some time reading these articles. You will split into small groups to begin exploring their arguments and will work together to develop models of the housing system that relate to the arguments made in the articles. We’ll take 10 minutes in class for you to re-familiarize yourself with the article you’re going to present, but you may want to read these before class.

Rent Going UP? One Company’s Algorithm Could Be Why

The Rent Revolution is Coming

Her Apartment Might Have Put Her Son’s Health At Risk

The First Gen Z Member of Congress was Denied a D.C. Apartment Due to Bad Credit and Urban Institute Coverage [


Additional Resources